Revenir à Alternatiba

THE CALL «Together, let’s build a better world by tackling the climate crisis!» 

On September 27th 2013, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) will release it’s Fifth Assessment Report to update our knowledge of climate change.

On Sunday October 6th, an ambitious and original mobilization will take place in Bayonne: Alternatiba, a village of individual, collective, localy based and systemic alternatives to climate change and to the energy crisis. Thousands of people will get together for this event. Its aim is to:

– spread the message on climate urgency, spread awareness among the general public and leaders on the necessity to rapidly and radically decrease our carbon emissions, challenge our leaders on the dramatic consequences of the absence of an ambitious, efficient, binding and fair international climate treaty.

– Fight the possible effects of shock, the feeling of powerlessness, and the demobilization that can be caused by the gravity and the sheer magnitude of the climate challenge, by showing that solutions exist and are within reach, by showing they will create jobs, and create a more human, more just, and caring world.

– Call out for the social and environmental transition we need to avoid the deep and irreversible impacts of climate change.

Far from the unfair, dangerous and ineffective false solutions put forth by many (such as geo-engineering, GMOs, bio-fuels, carbon markets, carbon offsetting mechanisms, nuclear energy, etc.) thousands of alternatives to the root causes of climate change are put in practice every day by millions of people, organizations, communities, in many different domains.

Small scale agriculture, ethical consumption, localism, the re-shoring of the economy, putting in place a better share of work and income, the social and environmental conversion of manufacturing, ethical finance, defense of common goods such as water, land, forests, sustainable fishing, food sovereignty, solidarity and sharing, repairing and recycling, waste reduction, green transport and sustainable mobility, environmental renovations, tackling urban sprawl and soil artificialisation, sustainable territorial planning, preservation of agricultural land, defense of biodiversity, sobriety and energy efficiency, renewable energy, climate/energy plans, transition towns, the spread of environmental awareness, etc. Alternatives do exist, they must only be reinforced, developed, multiplied !

We can keep changing our system in a concrete way, at our level, and reinforce the movement, the awareness, to shift the balance of power and pave the way to better decision making at both the local and global level.

For these reasons, we are attending Alternatiba on October 6th, and invite everyone to join us !

The 98 signatories, 4D, ACIPA, Aderoc, L’Âge de Faire, Agir pour l’Environnement, Aitec-Ipam, Alofa Tuvalu, Amigos de la Tierra-Espana, ASPRO-PNPP, ATTAC-France, Avenir climatique, Biocoop, CliMates, Réseau Cocagne, Les Colibris, Cedetim-Ipam, Collectif Roosevelt, Confédération Paysanne, Convergence citoyenne pour la transition énergétique, Coopérative de finance éthique, CRID, L’Écologiste, EcoRev’, End Ecocide in Europe, Village Emmaüs Lescar, Enercoop, Énergie Partagée, EYES, Les Faucheurs volontaires, Festival des Utopies Concrètes, Fondation Copernic, Fondation Danielle Mitterrand-France Libertés, Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme, Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, Fédération des Usagers de la Bicyclette, Fiare, France Nature Environnement, Friends of the Earth-France, Friends of the Earth Australia,

Greenpeace, L’Heureux Cyclage, Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente, Miramap, La NEF, Les Petits Débrouillards, Reporterre, Réseau Féministe « Ruptures », Réseau Semences Paysannes, Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire, Silence !, Slow Food France, Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, Source, SUD-PTT, Surfrider Foundation Europe, taca, Terre de liens, Union Syndicale Solidaires, Virage-énergie IdF/Pays de Loire/Centre-Val de Loire/Nord Pas de Calais, Les Z’indigné(e)s

Arrapitz, Avenir Geroa, Berri-Otxoak, Bizi!, CADE, CCFD-Pays Basque, Desazkundea, EHNE Bizkaia, Eguzki Talde antinuklear eta Ekologista, Ekoliderrak Sarea, Ekologistak Martxan, Emazteek Diote, ESK Sindikatua, Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminista, Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara, ELA Euskal Sindikatua, Fundación Traperos de Emaús de Navarra, Goiener, Koop57, LAB Sindikatua, Mouguerre cadre de vie, Mugarik Gabe, Mugitu, Paf!, REAS Euskadi, REAS Navarra, Sakanako Garapen Agentzia, Sépanso 64, Solidaires Pays Basque, STEE-EILAS, Terre Buissonnière, Terre & Humanisme Pays Basque, Txirrind’Ola

Festival Emmaus Lescar 23 juillet.jepg

PDF – The call 
